Monday, July 23, 2012

Testing the Google Feedburner app.

This is just a test of the "Follow by Email" tab, which allows you to follow the contents of this page via email. Thank you for following!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Academic links.

As my university webpage is undergoing a revamp, here are some links to items archived there.

My academic CV is here:

Here is a link to the full version of my paper with Marcel Voia that is just out in the Journal of Globalization and Development:

Here are links to three unpublished papers I wrote as a graduate student at Columbia:

"The Dynamics of Debt and Taxation: The Case of Endogenous Time Preference"

"A Note on the Solow-Swan Growth Model with a Fixed Wage"

"Adjustment in Trade Models"

From last month, here's a video of my conversation with Shekhar Shah on "Can India end poverty in a generation?". Recorded at the IDRC HQ in Ottawa and organized by Carleton University's India Centre.